All Saints Anglican Church

225 S. Peachtree Parkway, Peachtree City, GA 30269
(770) 486-5374

Church Leadership

Rector: Rev. Michael Fry
Associate Priest: Rev. Ray Greiner
Assistant Priest: Rev. Jon Jenkins
Office Administrator: Fran Plunkett
Music Director: Shannon Bryan
Director of Christian Education: Jessica Greiner
Children's Ministry Specialist: Kelley Meyers
Nursery: Cookie McClure

About Us

Anglicans are Christians whose spiritual and theological roots can be traced back to the historic Church of England. The word itself is derived from the Angles, a tribe from Northern Germany who settled in Northern and Eastern England in the 5th and 6th centuries. Read More

Beliefs (click each title to read more)

Anglicans and the Bible - Although the Anglican Church of today was not born at the time of the Reformation, it was profoundly shaped by it. The Reformation cry of Sola Scriptura (by scripture alone) was accepted by the Anglican reformers. Scripture has historically been seen as the primary witness in the Anglican Church for matters of both church doctrine and practice.

The Church Catechism - Our English word catechism comes from a Greek word which means to make hear or to instruct. The first English Book of Common Prayer in 1549 contained a service of Confirmation, wherein is contained a catechism for children.

Holy Communion - The service of Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper was founded by Jesus in the Gospels (Matthew 26.26-8; Mark 14.22-4; Luke 22.17-20; and John 6.32-58) and is addressed by St. Paul in I Corinthians 11.23-9. It is accepted that it was practiced in Christian Churches from the beginning (e.g., the reference to the breaking of bread in Acts 2.42).

What's a Church Vestry? - Each year as our annual parish meeting approaches we ask for nominations to the Church Vestry—which raises the question: “What’s a Vestry anyway?”

Meeting Times

Sunday Service

225 S. Peachtree Parkway, Peachtree City, GA 30269

(770) 486-5374



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