Consistent Publishing Assets in Peachtree City, GA

Pet Proof Carpet in Peachtree City! Carpets vs. Pets
None of our beloved pets are perfect... sometimes they tinkle where they shouldn't and nibble where they ought not. So…Read More

Animal Section

| Date Posted: August 18, 2014

Article: Midwest Food Bank

| Date Posted: August 13, 2014

Recent News in Peachtree City, GA

Local Gutter Cleaning Company Expands To Buford

One of our very own home grown businesses is growing again. Congratulations guys!

New Gym in Peachtree City

Peachtree City Gym
New Gym in Peachtree City is coming on November 2, 2019. FITNESS STADIUM

Peachtree City: The Best Place to Lose Your Keys

lost keys peachtree city
Usually when keys are lost, they're gone for good. But not in Peachtree City! In Peachtree City you're more likely to find lost keys, phones, and wallets! Check out a story of a lost and found item in PTC.

Try Dragon Boat Racing for Free

Come out and try dragon boat racing for free at Lake Mcintosh! If you haven't tried it, you owe it to yourself to get out and go for it.

Electrical Fire Near Peachtree City Hall

Electrical Fire Near Peachtree City Hall
There was a fire today in Peachtree City near the city hall. See pictures and learn what happened.
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