Finally Finished! Lake Peachtree Golf Cart Bridge
Special Thanks To: E.M. Blue Roofing
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Author: Jocey & Renae
Date Published: June 17, 2014
I am so excited that the bridge is finished!
For the past month I have had to drive my car to church instead of the golf cart because of the inconvenient golf cart bridge closing on Highway 54. I have also had to reroute my exercise...well, actually I didn't do it, because pushing a stroller on the highway was just the excuse I needed to stop!
*What it looked like before.
Before Photos!
It looks a lot better than before!
I am so excited that it is finally finished!
At what cost?
The project was $54,00 dollars and a month to complete. The old, rickety rails have been replaced with new pressure treated wood.
The Places I Can Now Go!
I am so excited that the bridge is finally open because now the route to Dairy Queen and Chic-Fil-A, I mean my JOGGING trail, is much more convenient!
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Thanks for sharing posts
I agree that the bridge looks much better; however $54,000 was a lot of money for that bridge. I don’t see anywhere near that much in lumber. The labor I understand is part of it. I can guarantee it was the biggest part of the cost. What I don’t understand is why it took a month to build those rails. I’ve seen houses go up in just a little longer than that. I can’t help but think this was a case of gouging Peachtree City, in much the same way a hammer cost $500 for the Whitehouse.