Train Hits Car in Peachtree City This Morning
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Author: PTC People
Date Published: June 12, 2014
Car Gets Hit By Train in Peachtree City
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The Peachtree City police department received a call this morning (6/12/2014) regarding a train hitting a car that was stuck on the train track. There was minimal damage caused to the train.
How Did it Happen?

There are a couple "Road Closed" signs before the train tracks at Dividend and Paschal Drive. Apparently these signs did not mean much to a local driver who was late for work. The driver bypassed the signs and found his car stuck in a 2 foot hole where there used to be road until it was cut away and removed. I guess he didn't know that the "Road Closed" signs actually meant something.
Immediately after finding himself in this predicament he called for a wrecker to come free him but the wrecker was unable to respond quick enough before the train came honking its horn at his stuck car. The train did hit the car but we have not received any report regarding any injuries.
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That is the craziest thing. I had not heard about this. Thanks PTC People for delivering produce and news “to my door”!
Is any comment really necessary?
Good point. Hopefully this not so intelligent decision will help more of us make better decisions in the future. I am definitely glad that nobody got hurt.
PTC People