McIntosh Student Arrested For Trying To Sell Marijuana Brownies
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Author: PTC People
Date Published: April 3, 2014
Peachtree City Police Arrest McIntosh Student
The Peachtree City police arrested Blake W. Kessler (18) at McIntosh High School this tuesday for trying to sell marijuana brownies. He was arrested after reports were given of him trying to make cash transactions for the marijuana while at school. Blake was arrested with the intent to distribute and possession of drug-related objects.
The official Peachtree City police report states that he had in his possession "brownies alleged to contain marijuana cut into individual slices." The drug-related object that Blake had on hand was "a used prescription bottle with a metal device inserted as a marijuana smoking device that also contained suspected marijuana."
Are You For or Against This?
With all the energy surrounding the debate to legalize marijuana many have opinions on this matter. Do you think marijuana should stay illegal or become legal? Do you think Blake Kessler should or should not have been arrested?
* Please remember to be kind and courteous to everyone's personal opinions. We in no way indorse any particular opinion that our users freely share here or on our facebook page.
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I have spoken to quite a few peachtree city police that admit to have smoked marijuana when they were younger. In fact most people have, Peachtree City Police need to stop making such a big deal about these types of victimless crimes and start helping the community in ways that can make a difference to benefit it. Not mess up kids futures up.
Zachary I could not agree with you more. PTC should be ashamed for publicizing something that will unfortunately be the achilles heel for Blake’s future. Not only Peachtree City but Georgians in general need to come to the realization that marijuana has become one of the largest stumbling blocks for high schoolers, not because of its effects at the time but the consequenses after being charged. All in all I am ashamed to call Fayette Ga my home town and cannot wait for the day that I am able to leave this stubborn, inconsiderate, and just plain ole selfish state.
Grayson, pot is illegal right now. Blake knew it and decided to break the law, anyway. If he or you want the law changed, work on changing it instead of breaking it. The idea that we should feel sorry for Blake because he broke a law and has to face the consequences is ludicrous!
Melissa- I completely agree with you, it is illegal. But feeling sorry for blake because he broke the law and has to face the consequences is not ludicrous. Do you not understand how this is going to impact Blake’s life? In my opinion the consequences out way the act ten fold! Now I am only speaking from the information this website has provided, which is very little. But to publicize a mistake that has the potential to eradicate Blake’s whole future is beyond my comprehension. What I would recommend to you Melissa is to do a little research on the charges that Blake has most likely received considering he was on school grounds, and then let me know if the punishment is justified.
Grayson, he did the wrong thing. Do you understand the intent behind his crime. Do you know how to make pot brownies? It takes more than 30 min. He put thought into how he could make the brownies so he could try to sell them without getting caught. He KNEW this was a crime and he tried to avoid getting caught. It doesn’t matter that pot should be legalized. He intentionally broke the law. At what point do you say he needs to pay the consequences for breaking the law? I totally agree that pot should be legalized, but for now, I abide by the law. How many laws do you think are ok to break without consequence? If you don’t want to do the time, don’t do the crime!
I totally agree with Zachary. I know Blake personally and he is a very sweet an polite young man who had a bright future ahead of him. He is not the ‘drug dealer’ that the articles/news channels depict him to be! Several young people nowadays go through a phase where they experiment with marijuana, grow out of it, and go on to lead perfectly successful lives. He’s not a criminal and he doesn’t deserve to have his life ruined for making the same mistake that hundreds of other kids make every single day.