Peachtree City Dog Speaks Out!

From Country Fields to City Life. How Max Found Happiness in Peachtree City!

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Author: PTC People
Date Published: July 15, 2014

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My Fellow Peachtree City Dogs,

First off, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Max and I am a local resident of Peachtree City. Let me be more specific, I am a local resident who is also a dog. I am speaking out so that other Peachtree City dogs don’t have to suffer anymore.

You too can live the best dog life possible in Peachtree City! Let me tell you my story and how the Peachtree City Dog Park has made living in Peachtree City awesome!

*Visit the page dedicated to the Peachtree City Dog Park to learn more. Video on how to get to the dark park below!

My Story

Like many dogs that live in Peachtree City I am not originally from here. In fact, I was born and raised on a farm in New York. My days consisted of running wherever I wanted to go, chewing on anything & everything, and having no restrictions as to where I could use the little dogs room. I was living the perfect doggy life and I thought it would never end…

The Big Move

That is until my owners decided to move to Peachtree City, GA. I had no idea what to expect. From my owners I kept hearing stories of trees, golf cart rides, and miles of paths to run on…they even said the city had its own lakes to swim in.

On the other hand whenever I got with my dog friends they told me stories of leashes, fenced in yards, and that howling in the middle of the night wasn’t allowed…oh and that my owners had to pick up my doggy doo doo when I used the little dogs room. To say the least my paws never sweated more!

From this day forward I don’t want any other Peachtree City dog to go through what I did. No dog deserves to suffer through fur anxiety and paw sweat wondering how their new city will accommodate them. What I am about to tell you will wipe away your fears and give you the freedom every dog needs in Peachtree City. No longer will you be asking: “What is there to do for a dog in Peachtree City?” Instead you will be asking when can we go to the dog park in Peachtree City again.

Human Rumors

1. Peachtree City is Full of Trees

Where I lived we had some trees but most of the land was cleared for farming. We drove from New York and I kept looking out the window to see if we were there yet. From the back window I could hardly believe my eyes as we got closer and closer to Peachtree City. There were so many trees! I was so excited to jump out of the car and start exploring. I soon learned that I couldn’t just go racing through any group of trees I wanted.

2. Golf Cart Rides

I used to be a big fan of riding in the back of trucks and cars but nothing can compare to the golf cart rides we go on everyday. They are fantastic! The rides aren’t too fast or too slow but are just right.

3. Golf Cart Paths

To be honest my owners were a little overweight when we moved to Peachtree City. They kept talking about getting “back into shape” by running and biking on the golf cart paths. Between you and me I never knew they were “in shape” in the first place.

4. Lakes

This rumor is completely true. Peachtree City has 3 lakes. Well right now it only has two lakes because Lake Peachtree is empty. I am super excited for when it is full again. The other two lakes are Lake McIntosh and Lake Kedron. However, I am not supposed to swim in Lake McIntosh or Kedrom. Pssst, once I dipped my paws in Lake McIntosh.

Dog Rumors

1. Leashes

To say the least a leash is not the easiest thing to wear. The other dogs in my neighborhood keep telling me to “Dog Up” and “stop being such a cat”. I have tried to walk s l o w l y so that the leash doesn’t choke me but I can’t help but want to run everywhere. Let’s just say I am working on the leash thing. That is one of the things I love most about the dog park in PTC. I don’t have to wear a leash once I am in the park. Talk about feeling free!

2. Fenced in Yards

Peachtree City is tricky. Yes they have some fenced in yards but not many. It is the invisible fences you have to worry about. I had never heard of them before and the dogs back home didn’t mention them either. However, they are like a fence that doesn’t exist but does exist. The best way to explain it is that whenever I get next to a specific tree or close to the road I start hearing this beeping sound. The first time I heard it I was like “hmmmm… where is that sound coming from..” and then all of a sudden my neck was on fire.

Now, whenever I hear that beeping sound I run back to where I came from. So this rumor is true but in a completely unexpected way! It has many invisible fences that I can’t jump over, crawl under, or bite my way through. Again this for me is a big plus with the local dog park. They have actual fences that I can see. There are no surprising beeps or sharp pains in my neck at the dog park!

3. Midnight Howling

Back home I was one of the best midnight howlers. In fact, the wolves even thought I was one of them once and even recruited me into their gang! Once they found out I was just a normal dog they kicked me out..

My first experience with howling in Peachtree City didn’t turn out very well. I think it was my third night in Peachtree City and I was in the backyard, trapped by the invisible fence. I couldn’t resist the urge. Within 10 minutes of howling I was yelled at, hit with a flying rock, and some guy in a car with flashing lights knocked on our door. After that experience my howling days are over.

4. Doggy Doo Doo Bags

If I could describe what my relationship was like with my owners before Peachtree City, it would best be done like this. What they did behind closed doors was none of my business and what I did in the yard was none of their business. Now our relationship is completely different. They continue to impose themselves on my doggy doo doo time. In fact, they have gone so far as picking up my doggy doo doo wherever I leave it.

In my opinion, they have really gone off the deep end. However, they are not the only dog owners that do it. Almost all dog owners carry around bags with them so they can pick up their dog’s doo doo too. I think it’s weird but all the other local dogs seem to be ok with it.

Why I Love Living in Peachtree City as a Dog!

There have been some major adjustments to living in Peachtree City. However, life isn’t all that bad when you know how to live “Right” in Peachtree City. What do I mean? I am going to let all the dogs and dog owners in on one of my favorite spots in all of Peachtree City. In fact, if it wasn’t for the Peachtree City dog park I don’t know what I would do with myself. This magical place is my dog heaven on earth!

P.S. I have a really hard time taking pictures and typing with my paws so I would like to say thank you to the team over at PTC People for helping my voice be heard and the dog park be discovered by more dogs and dog owners. You can see pictures, a video of how to get to the dog park in Peachtree City, and what the dog park has to offer to all Peachtree City dogs and owners on the dog park page.

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