New Intersection Proposed on Hwy 54 in Peachtree City

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Author: Laurel Clarke
Date Published: February 19, 2014

Do you want another intersection built on Highway 54?

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It has been proposed that there be a new intersection built on Hwy 54. We just found out about this proposal and we want to know what you think! There have not been many details released regarding this new intersection (probably because it is still in early stages), but we think you should be informed! This proposition will be voted on this Thursday, February 19th. We want to know what you think about having a new intersection on Highway 54 so read more information below then leave a comment with your thoughts!

Where exactly will it be going?

According to The Citizen newspaper, the intersection will be built to serve a proposed shopping center on Line Creek Drive. We are not sure where that shopping center will be exactly. The article in The Citizen also speculates that the shopping center will be connected to Macduff Parkway as well.

Check out this satellite view of the area. We have outlined Line Creek Drive, Highway 54 and Macduff Parkway. The green circle is where the intersection is projected to be.

new intersection proposed

Tell us what you think!

Do think this intersection will be beneficial? There is already a lot of traffic on Highway 54, especially through rush hour. How do you think this will effect traffic? Once we find out the verdict on the intersection being built, we will update you!

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5 Responses to New Intersection Proposed on Hwy 54 in Peachtree City

  1. tracy on March 21, 2014 at 9:18 pm

    Yes, please put yet another intersection/traffic pile-up on 54 near all the other intersections/traffic pile-ups. I love living north of the city- wait, I thought I moved here for a reason….. what was it?

  2. Dee Parker on March 7, 2014 at 2:23 pm

    Oh, yes, please another intersection with stop and go traffic-just what we needed. I am not sure who this is suppose to benefit from another shopping “center”! Do any of these people granting the additon of these places ever drive around the city to see how many places are empty and looking for someone to lease them out? There are empty stores, large areas that are not being used-i.e. photocircuits land etc. Come on, city planners-start being a little smarter about the planning ad land usage. Stop contributing to our traffic problems.

  3. Kathie Cheney on February 27, 2014 at 6:46 am

    After getting caught last Thursday in the parking lot known as Hwy 54 at evening rush hour, going west but at a stop even before reaching the Wyndem, I wonder just how necessary yet another stop light is on hwy 54. Safety should come before shopping convenience. How do Emergency Vehicles get through?

  4. Wendy on February 26, 2014 at 10:05 am

    I think it’s a terrible idea! I would like to know if the people making up these plans actually live in our community? The months of Nov.- Dec. it is impossible to drive now, and then rush hour traffic any day of the week during the year just gets worse, so lets add the ability for more cars and traffic to an already congested area. This sounds exactly like a politician had this idea!

  5. Carl Bradley on February 25, 2014 at 2:49 pm

    If the intersection will help the flow of traffic and benefit the new business there, then it makes sense.
    Service Plus Automotive needs at least and turning lane.

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