What is Happening This Summer in Peachtree City?
There have been some hiccups throughout the city due to construction, new projects, and the all too well known empty Lake Peachtree. Because of these, many have wondered what is happening and what is still happening in Peachtree City this summer.
We have listed some of the major events that will be going on this summer in Peachtree City. Let us know if you have any questions.
4th of July Parade
Last year it got rained out and hopefully it won’t this year. The parade is schedule to start on July 4th. Like normal, the parade will begin at 9:00 a.m. It makes its start on Peachtree Parkway near the Braelinn Golf Course. The Peachtree City 4th of July Parade’s route goes north on Peachtree Parkway. It eventually crosses over Crosstown Road and turns left on McIntosh Trail. The parade ends at the McIntosh Trail Recreation Complex.
4th of July Fireworks
This question has been asked a lot this year. “Will Peachtree City still have its 4th of July fireworks?” The answer from the city has been yes. Where? The same place it is held every year.
Even though Lake Peachtree is drained the city will still be launching off fireworks on the 4th of July from Drake field. The only difference from all the other years is that there is no lake to float on to watch the fireworks. Maybe some will take lawn chairs and park themselves in thick grass of what used to be Lake Peachtree but the city probably won’t allow it. It will definitely be interesting to see what happens.
Dragon Boat Races
As everyone is aware Lake Peachtree is empty and we predict that it will be until the fall of next year (Hopefully we are wrong). Because of this the Dragon Boat races have been approved to be relocated to Lake McIntosh this year…if the lake is still empty in September.
This years Dragon Boat races will be held on September 27, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
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Please add another frustrating intersection. The light at MacDuff and 54, (Kobe’s Japenese Steak house) is almost as bad as the ones you reported on. Try making a turn onto hwy 54 at 0730-0830 in the morning. Traffic is backuped several blocks on MacDuff and this is the road the city wishes to extend to add more traffic.
Too bad about the city saying people can’t watch from the non-grassy areas of the lake bed.
I thought for sure that wouldn’t be an issue .
All the folks who usually watch from boats will be competing for the same limited viewing areas.
Isn’t it dangerous to recommend taking lawn chairs out to the grassy areas in the lake bed? Thought the police had issued warnings of going into the lake bed.