Why is Lake Peachtree Being Lowered?

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Author: PTC People
Date Published: January 31, 2014

Information About Why Lake Peachtree is Looking Less Full

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Lake Peachtree began filling up for the first time in 1957. It is a man-made lake and every 4 - 6 years it is lowered in the winter for maintenance. The lake is expected to begin filling back up in late March. What type of maintenance is needed?

This year it was decided to lowering the lake to help property owners on the western shore of the lake and to allow the city to analyze the Battery Way boat dock for future upgrades in infrastructure. Many of these property owners were needing to do some maintenance on their sea walls and docks. This type of maintenance is very difficult and often impossible to do with the water level being at normal height.

*We have posted pictures below with more information about the lake being lowered. We hope you find this information informative and useful. Enjoy!

Photos of Damaged Sea Walls on Lake Peachtree

Photos of The Boat Docks

More Empty Lake Peachtree Photos

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4 Responses to Why is Lake Peachtree Being Lowered?

  1. Vikki on June 19, 2014 at 4:23 pm

    I think it’s awful the fish turtles and others die
    because of it and it looks awful. It’s been a long
    time when is something going to be done about this?!

  2. Ralph Davis on May 7, 2014 at 7:18 pm

    Here’s to hoping you fill it back up soon. Looks like a dirty swamp

  3. Kathie Cheney on February 27, 2014 at 6:52 am

    This would make a great Eagle Scout organizational project. Clean up our lake edge and play in the mud at the same time.

  4. Lynda on February 1, 2014 at 10:04 am

    I was amazed and how shallow Peachtree lake is.. I was wondering if they where lowering it to dredge it out.. Thanks for the information and the pictures..

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